Letter from our Executive Director
I am proud to serve as Executive Director of the Oregon Transportation Forum. As someone born and raised in Northeastern Oregon, I have a deep, personal understanding of the unique challenges that Oregonians face in different parts of the state. I especially love work that helps to connect our rural and urban communities, and finding ways to bridge the gaps facing our collective economic development, transportation and community-building efforts.
Since joining the Oregon Transportation Forum in 2022, I’ve gotten the opportunity to help leaders in Oregon’s transportation community stay connected with one another, regardless of their background, region or industry. OTF provides a unique opportunity for these leaders to come together on a regular basis, share their common experiences, discuss their unique barriers, and find common ground to move the state forward towards its long-term transportation goals.
OTF’s vision is to build a collective, diverse voice for the transportation issues facing our state — encouraging the full development, maintenance and integration of all transportation modes. We work hard to educate our members about the transportation policies and projects happening in our state, and to help build a coalition of stakeholders elevating the importance of prioritizing Oregon’s top transportation issues.
Taylor Sarman